For fast-moving businesses, the path to success hinges on good first impressions. Yet, when everything is influx, from marketing tools to company milestones, building a brand can feel daunting. It's hard to see a clear path that fits the challenges of today, with foundations for tomorrow.
So, over the years we've worked hard to make their path clear, attainable, and impactful. We have created multiple services that help them confidently make waves.
Here are those services for your network. Capacity is limited and priority scheduling goes to climate tech, regenerative solutions and sustainability focused companies.
We believe that visuals should always be developed on a sound strategy. However, we get that sometimes, the issue is simply that the visual representation are not representing the company well. So, we solve that and keep our founders moving forward.
This services is best for early stage founders working to get their story straight in the early stages. This service not only helps others better understand your company, but helps you gain confidence in every conversation you have.
Four weeks
Seed Branding is a package for early stage companies, with little to no brand. This package is ideal for those who need messaging, visuals and a starter website. They will be ready for that press release in no time.
Three months
Brand Session is best suited for those a little further along who need to undergo a rebrand. More than simple looking better, these companies need strategic guidance. They understand their product market fit and commercialization strategies and are starting to wonder how they can better position their company amongst the competition to capture the hearts and minds of their audience.
Three weeks
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Wordsmith, strategist, and overall language ninja.
In order to make big waves (and have fun riding them!), helps craft a solid, substantive, (super bad) soul of a brand.