Get to know our digital designer, BeiBei An
What did you want to be growing up?
I told people I’d like to be an archaeologist as a kid because at the time I’d just learned the word, and I thought it was cool to say. (I said it with the most serious face an 8-year-old could give.) Now I think it’s not a bad choice to pursue since China, where I’m from originally, has lots of things laying underground. Later I started to watch Case Closed (a Japanese detective anime) and I wanted to be a detective. But it gave me the impression that I need to become a detective by the age of 18, otherwise, I won’t make it. So around 16, I knew it wasn’t going to happen for me.
What is your favorite thing about Four Fin?
Having autonomy here is big. I feel that I’m fully trusted and I’m free to explore and bring my creative ideas, all of which is accepted and encouraged by the team. I have space where I can make the decisions and truly own the work, and that is fully respected by everyone here. As a creative person, that’s something very valuable to have in the working environment. Four Fin’s growth mindset has also allowed me to grow into a direction that suits me the best.
You’re a new Pantone color, what are you called?
“50 shades of grey.” Cause my wardrobe is literally that. Somehow, whenever I went shopping, I ended up picking the color of grays, black and white. Recently I’m trying to add more hues to it, like orange and pink, but still with a certain amount of grays in them.
What is your dream vacation?
I have a group of really close friends from high school, but after graduation, we have been scattered all around the world: China, Japan, Thailand, UK, and the US. I really wish one day we can again gather and hang out on a tropical island for a week or two. Three of my friends have toddlers now and one of them just had her second baby, so I guess the dream will be pushed a little further out now!