Get to know our copywriter, Carly DeMento
What did you want to be growing up?
Writer, molecular biologist, then writer again. Little Carly was onto something!
Favorite thing about Four Fin?
The people. You won’t meet a more thoughtful, talented group of humans anywhere.
What’s your favorite food?
All of the food, all of the time. Particular favs include: cheese boards, anything with chilies, and dark chocolate.
What is the most uncomfortable thing you have done?
Crossing into Ukraine from Romania with my sister. My mom was in the Peace Corps at the time and we were traveling to see her. The wrong station was printed on our tickets so we missed our train—the last one for two days. Seeing we were in distress, a conductor asked if we spoke Romanian or Italian. I said, “Sì, parlo italiano.” My sister said: “You do?!?” It turns out, in a bind, I do. (Hot tip: It turns out if you take one Italian class, know a bit of Spanish, and speak Spanish with an Italian accent while gesticulating wildly, you can get by in a jam!) The conductor was incredibly kind and drove us down dirt roads along the border to where our train was waiting. I will never forget his kindness!