Get to know our brand strategist, Evan Shulman
What did you want to be growing up?
I started off wanting to be a veterinarian, but I think I just really wanted to have a house with a bunch of animals in it. Then I went to Space Camp…sooo…hello Astronaut!
Who do you look up to/who is your role model?
Hail Sagan! Carl was an epic science communicator, cosmos explorer, and social critic. His “Pale Blue Dot” and our Golden Record out there are the most poetic things to me. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch me wearing one of my various Sagan graphic tees.
What’s your favorite food?
Recently, it’s the food my wife and I have been growing in our garden. Call me biased from the literal fruits of our labor, but our apricots and tomatoes have been tasting a-ma-zing. Otherwise…it’s usually…chocolate…chocolate’s a food, right?
What is your dream vacation?
Catch the trend yet? Space is zee place – it’s wild that we’re alive at a time when taking a trip to see our planet is possible. Now what would the music playlist be for that trip…?